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Release Your Potential!

Unleash Power Within!

Are you ready to unlock your potential?  Inside of you, there is creative energy and core strengths that will motivate and inspire you to reach your goals and dreams

  • Learn the steps to identify your passions, motivations, and interests
  • Connect your core strengths to careers
  • Get strategies to implement plans and goals

Tap into your core strengths that motivate you!

Fulfil your destiny, purpose, calling, or occupation.  Build strategies to reach your goals.  Prepare for the journey.

To help you focus on achieving your goals -

  • Read Motivational and Inspirational Principles.
  • Look over the Motivational and Inspirational Career Keys.
  • Download the Motivational and Inspirational Guide.
  • Sign up for career. motivational, inspirational, and social media tweets (Links to an external site.) on Twitter.

Step One is Awareness, Knowledge, and AssessmentLearning about yourself is the first key to discovering your destiny.  Identify your inner passions, motivations and interests.

  • Take the core strength inventory.
  • Focus on your core strength areas - interests, abilities, skills, and values.
  • Discover activities that excite or motivate you.  

Having the right assessment tools is essential for your success.

Take the best, most valid and reliable career assessments worldwide.  The Self Directed Search INTERNET Version is easy to use. Complete the career assessment in 30 minutes.

The NEW fifth edition of the SDS is designed to help clients learn about themselves and their career options. Whether they are college students choosing a major, veterans entering the civilian job market, or adults pursuing a career change, clients can use the SDS to learn more about occupations that match their interests, abilities, and personalities.

Like its predecessors, the SDS 5th Edition is based on John Holland’s theory that both people and work environments can be classified according to six basic types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. These personality types are known collectively as the Holland RIASEC model.

The SDS asks questions about the individual’s aspirations, activities, competencies, and level of interest in different occupations. From the responses, the SDS generates a three-letter Summary Code, which can be used to help the individual find his or her educational and occupational matches.

This easy-to-use, comprehensive career exploration tool asks questions about the individual’s aspirations, activities, competencies, occupations, and other self-estimates. The resulting three-letter Summary Code, which designates the three personality types an individual most closely resembles, can then be used to help the individual find his or her occupational match.

Features and benefits

  • Applies to all stages of life. The components of the SDS 5th Edition can be used together for educational planning and career development, as well as leisure and retirement planning.
  • Includes brand-new normative data. Normative data were derived from a nationally representative sample of 1,739 students and adults.
  • Is well studied and psychometrically sound. The SDS is one of the most thoroughly studied career assessment tools: the SDS results has been used in more than 1,500 studies.
  • Sets the standard for career assessment. Used by more than 35 million people worldwide, the SDS was originally written by John Holland, the creator of the popular RIASEC theory of vocational personality.
  • Uses a continually updated occupations resource. SDS Summary Codes are linked to occupations found in the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) database, a major occupational site used by consumers and professionals.

Release your inspirational dreams and visions build momentum to reach your goals.

Connect core strengths to future careers or business ideas. 


Gain insight about the different career opportunities that are available.  You will have access to a wealth of resources that will help you make the right choices -

  • Evaluate your inventory and to create a strategy to fulfill your goals
  • Investigative the different career opportunities
  • Narrow career options

We provide guidance to help you make your way through the maze of making decisions.  We provide access to career exploration tools  that provide information about careers –

  • Overview
  • Skills
  • Values
  • Outlook
  • Earning
  • Interest Profile
  • Working Conditions
  • Contact Info
  • Areas of Study

Use our library of training resources to sort through the different training or school opportunities.

  • Look at training programs
  • Narrow down your options
  • Create a plan to achieve your goals and dreams

Judge training opportunities based on the following criteria –

  • Location of School
  • Majors Areas of Study
  • Name of School
  • Size and Cost
  • Region in the USA
  • Type of School

Implement your plan.

Test your options and put your plan into action.

  • Use the keys that you have learned to unlock doors of opportunity.
  • Build powerful connections with networking and social media tools to lock into your purpose.
  • Conducting information interview.
  • Completing career shadowing.
  • Executing a job search strategies.
  • Writing resume.
  • Practicing interview techniques.
  • Participating in internship / volunteer experience.

Getting the Right Tools!

We have picked the best career test and guidebook to help you answer all of your career questions.

The Self Directed Search is one of the most respected and widely used career planning instrument in the world. Millions of people (universities, colleges, counselors, coaches, teachers, parents, adults, and students) have used this career test to decide careers and college majors.

We have also added a detailed guidebook to help you complete the steps in the career planning process:

  • Awareness of interests, abilities, and skills
  • Exploration of potential careers
  • Identification of possible training programs

Sign up for Release Your Potential! Unleash Power Within Program.

Watch the FREE video series.

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