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Career & Life Explorer

Career and Life Explorer is a Holland Code assessment that uses:

  • Appealing graphics
  • Easy-to-follow instructions
  • Proven career exploration principles
  • Great information to get young people thinking about their future—and encourages them to stay in school, explore positive career and learning options, and dream big

Career and Life Explorer provides the following information:

  • Start with "Uncover Career Clues."
  • Gather career information by looking at:
    • Who they admire
    • What they do well or enjoy doing
    • What are the key values
    • How important is money
    • What kinds of people they like to spend time with
    • How much education or training they would consider
    • What work environment they prefer, and more
  • Step 2: Select top picks from among six Holland Code "Interest Groups"
  • Step 3: Look up related jobs in a chart listing hundreds of job titles from the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
  • Step 4: Use a "Discover Your Ideal Job" to write in key elements of their ideal job, including:
    • Values
    • Possible job titles
    • Skills
    • Education or training
    • Earnings
    • Other details
  • Step 5: Use an Action Plan worksheet to help plan high school courses, extracurricular activities, and other life experiences.

Format: 5.5 x 8.5, 12-panel foldout
Reading Level: Grade 6
Interest Level: Grades 6 to 12

Career & Life Explorer is on sale!

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